What's the Weather?
Introducing our Weather Watch Website!
Our team member Paris, asked her co-teacher and preschool class to help her create this video for you, so that you can learn what our website and activities are all about! This video will also get your brain thinking about what you already know about weather, and it may help you think of some things that you want to learn more about. Enjoy!
This is a full class activity.
Notes for instruction:
Please enjoy this video with your class, then discuss the post-viewing questions listed below! These questions are designed to get the wheels of weather turning in your students' minds. As such, we recommend aiming for students to think about their answers, not necessarily answer correctly. Provide ample time for students to consider these questions!
Higher-order thinking questions, with hypothetical student responses below: Student answers will vary. Examples provided.
The video suggests that you can tell what the weather is "just by looking outside." How do you think you could tell what the weather is going to be?
You could ask your parent.​
You could watch the news for the weather report.
How can people, like scientists and weather-people on the news, predict the weather?​
They have special tools like telescopes.​
They can see the future!
How does knowing the weather change what you do during the day?​
If it's raining I wear my rain boots and ​my dad lets me use his umbrella when we walk to class.
Sometimes it's cold outside and I have to wear lots of special clothes like mittens.
What are some types of extreme weather, weather that might be dangerous if you were outside?​
Tornadoes, like the boy in the video said.​
Sometimes when it rains there is also thunder and lightning, and that's dangerous so you have to go inside.
What's one type of weather that you want to learn more about?​
Snow and ice.​